Fundación La Tortuga is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that develops its activities at the service of the community through technical-scientific research, applying the knowledge acquired in the implementation of appropriate management plans and in effective environmental education programs for citizens of all levels, promoting the sustainable use of natural resources and a greater understanding of their benefits for present and future generations.

Through specialized and interdisciplinary studies, we contribute to defining and characterizing the areas of greatest interest and importance for biodiversity, such as marine-coastal ecosystems, and we establish ways and methods for their conservation, rational use, ecological improvement, and cultural, economic, and social development. sustainable.

Our activities are people-oriented, to stimulate and promote gentle treatment of nature, in a timely, safe and continuous manner. We seek to generate flexible and innovative financing schemes that allow the participation of companies and individuals from all sectors interested in improving the ecological conditions of our environment.

We contribute to the conservation of natural resources and the environment through the preservation of biological wealth and the promotion of sustainable development by carrying out various activities:

Scientific area

Research applied to the conservation and preservation of marine spaces in Venezuela.
Oceanographic and biological characterizations.
Design and execution of programs for the protection of threatened species.
Design and implementation of education plans and correct natural resource management plans.

Educational area

Workshops aimed at children, young people and adults, on recycling and domestic waste management.
Coastal cleanup days to raise awareness.
Promotion of environmentally and politically viable initiatives proposed by other institutions.
Timely dissemination of contributions and new scientific findings.
Various awareness programs on the reuse, reduction and recycling of elements.