
La Tortuga Foundation and its role in Education

One of the objectives of La Tortuga Foundation is the development of non-formal education projects. The idea is to bring an environmental message to all possible spaces and at all levels. The evidence of this commitment is highlighted by the realization of educational-training workshops, as well as other activities in the foundation and in the communities. All of these activities are aimed at generating environmental awareness among citizens.

It’s not garbage, it’s materials

Fundación la Tortuga, once again complying with one of the objectives of the training and environmental awareness program: "it’s not garbage, it’s materials", carried out the project "Climate control of the meeting hall" in the Fishermen’s Village of Lechería, applying the 3Rs environmental and generating a social, responsible and intelligent change with the environment.

Ecological soap making workshop was dictated

Last Saturday, April 2nd, Fundación la Tortuga in alliance with the facilitator Ileana Guzmán and her project "Ternura Artesanal", offered the participants of this workshop a great opportunity to learn in a simple way how to elaborate soaps, from used domestic oil for its conscious use and through a cold saponification process.