4 species of sea turtles continue to nest in Anzoátegui

The four species reported in the Anzoatiguenses Coasts: Caguamo (Caretta caretta), Verde (Chelonia mydas), Carey (Eretmochelys imbricata) and Cardón (Dermochelys coriácea), are present this year on...

The four species reported in the Anzoatiguenses Coasts: Caguamo (Caretta caretta), Verde (Chelonia mydas), Carey (Eretmochelys imbricata) and Cardón (Dermochelys coriácea), are present this year on our coasts. This was evidenced by biologist Pedro Vernet with the rest of the RAO Anzoátegui project team last July.
During the tour, nests of these species of sea turtles were surveyed, providing relevant information for the study that follows them. All sea turtles are threatened around the planet. This was established in the sample of results carried out at the Headquarters of La Tortuga Foundation.
The anthropogenic impacts (generated by man) that multiply incessantly both on beaches and in the sea, have caused their population numbers to have dropped to extremely worrying figures and being these chelonians considered umbrella species, the little presence of them will bring serious consequences to the marine ecosystem.
Naturally speaking, their life strategy of one adult per 1000 eggs has managed to make them survive for millions of years. However, the looting of nests, the hunting and commercialization of their shell and meat, has managed to put in red their permanence in our seas, which will bring as a consequence, a serious imbalance within the ocean and it will be the human being himself who directly suffers this absence, by not obtaining food through the fishing of other examples of marine fauna.
Culturally, the sea turtle has meant easy access to protein or meat to coastal human populations and this change in habits is one of the biggest challenges to achieve: to raise awareness among communities that do not see them as food or as a sales item but that they become their first defenders and caregivers. Sooner rather than later, their networks will be emptied of other species traditionally traded and that constitute the support of these domestic economies. And that is why meetings and talks especially with children are used to instill good practices as citizens of the near future and can begin to repair what we as adults have almost destroyed.
A call to all those people who make life in the sea: do not consume their eggs, turtles or adult turtles because they will be accomplices of a certain extinction. These specimens are often hunted or trapped in abandoned nets without having achieved adulthood and without having had the opportunity to reproduce. Do not acquire or accept as a gift, objects made with Carey because this means the sacrifice of a defenseless animal for its shell.
But despite this, a beam of hopeful light still travels the coasts and those footprints in the beautiful sands of the beaches of the state, make us feel that these animals continue in their struggle not to disappear, they continue to show the strength of a living nature that, by the way, also created us and of which we forget many times.