World Beach Day 2021 Celebrated

More than 150 volunteers from Coca-Cola FEMSA, NGOs and tour operators collected 2 tons of waste, within the framework of Red por el Planeta; sustainability program promoted by the bottler of Mexican origin, which transforms waste into resources. The work was felt on several beaches in the country.

The cleaning and installation activity of the ecological point in Los Caracas, sector of the central coast, was carried out in alliance with the Venezuelan Surf Federation and the Multirecicla organization. While in the bay of Patanemo, in the state of Carabobo, the day had the organization and support of the Tierra Viva and Reusamás foundations.


In the west of the country, in the bay of Fitlosophy, Lake Maracaibo, Zulia state, the volunteers were coordinated by the La Papelera tiene Hambre foundation, winners of the FEMSAción 2020 Effect award; and in eastern Venezuela, they worked on Los Canales beach, Anzoátegui state, with the La Tortuga foundation. Andrea Galarraga, Corporate Affairs Manager, highlighted the importance of aligning efforts aimed at the positive transformation of the environment. "At Coca-Cola FEMSA we work tirelessly to make good things happen every day, in every corner of the country. We achieved it again, thanks to the volunteers, NGOs, communities and clients who on this World Beach Day activated the FEMSAción Effect: our way of working with passion for the country".