Fishing continues to be the basis of food security for millions of people, a primary source of local employment and a significant factor in the global economy. In fact, around one billion people, m...

Fishing continues to be the basis of food security for millions of people, a primary source of local employment and a significant factor in the global economy. In fact, around one billion people, mostly in developing countries, depend on fish as their primary source of animal protein and an estimated 35 million people are, partially or full-time, employed in fishing or aquaculture.

In terms of income generation, fisheries are extremely important. In the last 50 years, a tide of new technologies, starting with Diesel engines. to trawl nets, have allowed us to expand the limits of fishing. The result has been the rapid reduction of fish stocks and a serious degradation of both marine and freshwater ecosystems.

75% of commercially important fish stocks have been overfished or have been fished to their biological limit.

Fotos: JP Ruiz-Allais (@jpruizallais)

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