AmbientArte with Justo Osuna

On December 16, 2021, La Tortuga Foundation resumed the activities of Ambientarrrt, carrying out in this case an event to bring an environmental message through artistic expression. In this case, the focus was on the need for conservation of the seas and oceans, especially being inhabitants of the coastal zone.

On December 16, 2021, La Tortuga Foundation resumed the activities of Ambientarrrt, carrying out in this case an event to bring an environmental message through artistic expression. In this case, the focus was on the need for conservation of the seas and oceans, especially being inhabitants of the coastal zone.

The protection of marine-coastal ecosystems currently depends mainly on the transformation of consumption patterns to reduce the use of plastic, especially single-use plastics. In this sense, the foundation seeks to promote this transformation by generating environmental awareness through different innovative activities. 

In addition to recognizing the importance of these natural spaces, reflecting on the need to conserve them, and performing an interpretation of one of the works of the master Justo Osuna, the participants of this edition contributed to the collection (with the registration fee) of funds to promote scientific research projects in the area of plastic marine debris, microplastics and water quality in the state of Anzoátegui.

The event was organized by several allies of La Tortuga Foundation. The engineer María Virginia Carvajal, the Project Coordinator of the Foundation, was in charge of welcoming the participants, who had the opportunity to enjoy a mini-exhibition of the work of Justo Osuna, an excellent artist and colorist born in Anzoátegui and with a wide artistic trajectory.

Next, engineer Manuel Fernández, who is also a self-taught plastic artist, introduced Maestro Osuna, presenting his biography, his artistic experience, as well as making reference to Osuna’s sources of inspiration and a brief description of his style. Manuel also made charcoal drawings during the event.

Maestro Osuna then guided the participants in the creation of their works, watching their progress, making suggestions, and motivating them during the process. While the artistic process was taking place, Dr. Adriana Gamboa, a researcher allied with the Foundation, made her speech highlighting the importance of the seas and oceans, emphasizing the regulatory function of the planet’s temperature, and the ecosystem services of the marine-coastal zone, among which fishing and recreation stand out, also emphasizing in her speech the need for conservation and immediate action to counteract the negative impact produced by marine debris and microplastics.

There were also surprises during this first launch of "Ambientarrrte" with the theme of microplastics, attendees enjoyed:  
* Viola performance
* Recital of cuatro 
* Mini-concert of Venezuelan music
A mixture of science and art, so harmonious that it was to everyone’s liking.

To conclude the activity, the words of reflection and integration of the message were given by Chelo Nogueira, president of the Foundation, who called for awareness, recognizing the benefits of plastic materials, and emphasizing the need to migrate towards a circular economy.
The exhibition of the master Osuna will be available at the Foundation, where you can purchase if you wish, works of the master in different formats, which are ideal to beautify your home, make a gift, and, at the same time contribute to the development of the microplastics project led by Dr. Gamboa, an emerging research topic in Venezuela and the construction and implementation of an environmental laboratory.

We invite you to stay tuned for the next editions of Ambientarrte