Hidrocaribe in the voice of its president gives the green light for the start of the plant project to treat wastewater that will irrigate our Virgen del Valle Park

The President of Hidrocaribe Wimer Moreno received us at the Water Technical Table 1 and 2 of the El Morro tourist complex, with Fundación La Tortuga at the main offices of the hydrological area in the Municipal Avenue of Puerto La Cruz. We are going there with the intention of requesting your cooperation and performance to find an adequate environmental response to the problem that we have been facing for several years with the overflow of sewage into the channels of the El Morro Tourist Complex. . Unfortunately, sewage pumping stations are designed to overflow into the canals, given their state and how difficult their maintenance has been, there are constant discharges of pollutants into the canals where thousands of people live. We need a plant to treat sewage!

The President of Hidrocaribe Wimer Moreno received us at the Water Technical Table 1 and 2 of the El Morro tourist complex, with Fundación La Tortuga at the main offices of the hydrological area in the Municipal Avenue of Puerto La Cruz. We are going there with the intention of requesting your cooperation and performance to find an adequate environmental response to the problem that we have been facing for several years with the overflow of sewage into the channels of the El Morro Tourist Complex.

Unfortunately, sewage pumping stations are designed to overflow into the canals, given their state and how difficult their maintenance has been, there are constant discharges of pollutants into the canals where thousands of people live. .We need a plant to treat sewage!

The wastewater generated by the activities demanded by the population of these sectors currently ends up in the navigation channels or the Santa Rosa chimney where they are discharged into the Bay of Barcelona with the consequent environmental degradation of this maritime area. Knowing that both downloads are inappropriate, we would like to team up with you and the Universidad de Oriente, which with the performance of thesis students and the technical advice of your tutor, ing. Maria Ramirez  join efforts and achieve an environmentally responsible solution in keeping with our times.

We have the opportunity to generate a solution with a problem, we know that the flow of water that is generated in these two sectors of MTA 1 and MTA 2, which add up to 6,485 housing units and an estimate related to 25,940 users that are widely capable of covering the demand we have for the Virgen del Valle Park, which we plan to make a reality, to give life to this dream shared by many, it is essential to guarantee the provision of water for irrigation. It is possible to obtain the water we need for its existence with a treatment plant that collects the wastewater from these two sectors, we can create the conditions to make its use possible and thus, we can simultaneously reduce the flow of polluting water that currently are going to the bay of Barcelona, ​​and eliminate the By-pass that was made to the Caztor station (completely dismantled), which is currently constantly discharging its wastewater into the canal. We can convert this disaster into a provision of properly treated water for the irrigation that Parque Virgen del Valle needs and its surplus can be discharged at an appropriate level of purification that does not contaminate the canal, or be used for irrigation of the green areas of these sectors and reduce the consumption of drinking water that is currently used for irrigation of the necessary green areas

Knowing that we will not solve the problem completely and that it must be dealt with jointly by the municipalities that make up the wastewater system or network, which daily pour millions of liters of polluted water into the Bay of Barcelona from the wastewater produced by the Municipality of Diego Bautista Urbaneja, which in turn receives part of the wastewater from the Sotillo Municipality. We have a duty to change this reality as much as possible. Although we will not solve the problem in its entirety if we can without a doubt mark a route in the direction in which we should and would like to go. We present this request with the hope that this becomes a pilot so that we begin to migrate to responsible and intelligent ways of managing our resources, the water that reaches us clean through the pipes to our homes or places of work and recreation, must be treated before being incorporated back into our environment. Assuming our responsibility in the face of this fact, we will see how our quality of life and health will improve remarkably.