The "3 ERRES" at U.E. Dr. Julio Camejo

Throughout November 5, the U.E. Dr. Julio Camejo in Barrio Corea in Barcelona, received a visit from Fundación La Tortuga and the company Domotica de Venezuela to reinforce knowledge on the subject of conservation, once the guidelines of the State Collective of Environmental Management of the Minamb had been fulfilled.

Throughout November 5, the U.E. Dr. Julio Camejo in Barrio Corea in Barcelona, received a visit from Fundación La Tortuga and the company Domotica de Venezuela to reinforce knowledge on the subject of conservation, once the guidelines of the State Collective of Environmental Management of the Minamb had been fulfilled.

A total of 447 students from both shifts of this school listened attentively to the talk "My 3Erres" given by the Foundation’s staff, which invites them to comply with different recommendations in a fun way in order to reinforce the values of responsibility, cooperation, and love for nature.

Supported by the volunteers of Domotica de Venezuela, simple posters were placed in the different classrooms so that the students always keep in mind to Reduce the amount of waste that we all produce every day during our activities; Reuse everything they can to give another opportunity to the objects that are used every day and Recycle what is left so that we do not have to take more resources from nature.

With simple actions it is possible to inspire children to join the task of conservation that should be present in all citizens, since it is up to them as a future generation to rescue the planet. And it is up to the adults to stop the negative actions that are executed against the environment and to give the youth all the information and tools possible for their later work of protection and conservation.