Rao Anzoategui

Conservation Week with Fundación Empresas Polar

During the last week of June, La Tortuga Foundation with its RAO Anzoátegui Project, accompanied Fundación Empresas Polar in the celebration of the "Conservation Week", a permanent event of this organization, which seeks to provide children from the communities near its plant located in Barcelona, environmental recreational activities and thus forge the citizen of the future with more awareness and ecological sensitivity.

Turtle March with RAO Anzoátegui

For the RAO Anzoátegui team, March was an interesting month both on land and in the water. In response to an invitation from the State’s hotel area, the "Hotel Cristina Suites" offered its spaces to share with tourists and family members staying at the hotel, the life and environmental problems that sea turtles go through.

Disposable diapers... a nightmare

For the members of RAO Anzoátegui, who monthly walk kilometers of beaches within the sea turtle study, Mochima National Park offers to every visitor or local the most spectacular and varied landscapes, only interrupted by the sight of large amounts of garbage and where disposable diapers are found more and more, thrown on the sands of the beaches of the state.