Earth Hour

Last Saturday, March 28th, Earth Hour 2015 was celebrated at the facilities of Fundación La Tortuga. Organized by the Movimiento Soy Verde UDO, this event featured the presentation of "Poética Tribal" dances and music of young local talents, who under the light of lit candles played to the delight of those present.

Last Saturday, March 28th, Earth Hour 2015 was celebrated at the facilities of Fundación La Tortuga. Organized by the Movimiento Soy Verde UDO, this event featured the presentation of "Poética Tribal" dances and music of young local talents, who under the light of lit candles played to the delight of those present.

Guitar in hand, the young Ricardo Aldana and Carlos Rapisarda, sang pieces of their own authorship with messages full of peace and interesting rhyme. Then, "Dogma Infinito" with two of its representatives such as Merced Heredia and Alejandro Del Pozo, performed songs that attracted the attention of those present because of Heredia’s melodious voice.

For an hour, the lamps at the foundation’s headquarters were turned off to let in the warmth of the candlelight that was lit to celebrate this global blackout in favor of the planet. The logo of the event was also captured with candles placed in little cups made of plastic bottles.

Earth Hour is a worldwide event held on the third Saturday of March with a voluntary blackout, which seeks to motivate society to adopt measures against climate change, raise awareness about energy saving and reduce light pollution. It was the idea of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the advertising agency Leo Burnett.

The first Earth Hour was held in Australia in 2007 in the city of Sydney. Already in 2014, more than 5,000 cities in more than 135 countries around the planet have joined this activity, managing to save up to 4% of the world’s energy expenditure for one hour.

La Tortuga Foundation thanks the Ecological Movement Soy Verde UDO for the initiative carried out and extends an invitation to approach its facilities, to all young people who wish to be the change by participating in these events.