
AmbientArte with Justo Osuna

On December 16, 2021, La Tortuga Foundation resumed the activities of Ambientarrrt, carrying out in this case an event to bring an environmental message through artistic expression. In this case, the focus was on the need for conservation of the seas and oceans, especially being inhabitants of the coastal zone.

The "3 ERRES" at U.E. Dr. Julio Camejo

Throughout November 5, the U.E. Dr. Julio Camejo in Barrio Corea in Barcelona, received a visit from Fundación La Tortuga and the company Domotica de Venezuela to reinforce knowledge on the subject of conservation, once the guidelines of the State Collective of Environmental Management of the Minamb had been fulfilled.

Eco-Recreo La Tortuga closed with a theater play

Eco-Recreo La Tortuga, Fundación La Tortuga’s vacation plan, ended its two weeks of activity with a play about Mother Nature and the Rainbow. This event was held from August 6 to 17, as has been the custom for the past two years, and all children were invited to enjoy a series of activities that seek to reinforce the values of respect for the environment, responsibility for daily actions, and healthy recreation.

Donation Delivery to Warao Community

It does not matter to which culture one belongs, nor the place of origin, nor the distances that separate us, those simple references pass to a second plane when the legitimate desire to help and contribute effectively to the welfare of the community and its environment are manifested in the hearts of the people and their heartbeats echo in the Earth.