
Microplastics on the beaches of Lechería

On March 10, 2022, we welcomed the UPTOS-Clodosbaldo Russián Applied Geochemistry Research Group from Cumaná, Sucre state, allies of La Tortuga Foundation. These professionals have been developing scientific research on the content of plastic garbage and microplastics on beaches in the state of Sucre since 2018, being one of the pioneers in developing studies on this subject in the country.

Institutional Cooperation between the La Salle Foundation for Natural Sciences and the La Tortuga Foundation

We celebrated the Framework Agreement for Institutional Cooperation that we carried out, closing with a flourish the month of January 2022, between Fundación La Salle de Ciencias Naturales and Fundación La Tortuga. The purpose of this agreement is to strengthen the cooperation links between both institutions, in order to establish plans that contribute to mutual strengthening in technical, research, teaching, development and technical assistance areas; as well as the permanent exchange of information and experiences for the joint realization of projects and programs

Hidrocaribe in the voice of its president gives the green light for the start of the plant project to treat wastewater that will irrigate our Virgen del Valle Park

The President of Hidrocaribe Wimer Moreno received us at the Water Technical Table 1 and 2 of the El Morro tourist complex, with Fundación La Tortuga at the main offices of the hydrological area in the Municipal Avenue of Puerto La Cruz. We are going there with the intention of requesting your cooperation and performance to find an adequate environmental response to the problem that we have been facing for several years with the overflow of sewage into the channels of the El Morro Tourist Complex. . Unfortunately, sewage pumping stations are designed to overflow into the canals, given their state and how difficult their maintenance has been, there are constant discharges of pollutants into the canals where thousands of people live. We need a plant to treat sewage!

La Tortuga Foundation and its role in Education

One of the objectives of La Tortuga Foundation is the development of non-formal education projects. The idea is to bring an environmental message to all possible spaces and at all levels. The evidence of this commitment is highlighted by the realization of educational-training workshops, as well as other activities in the foundation and in the communities. All of these activities are aimed at generating environmental awareness among citizens.

AmbientArte with Justo Osuna

On December 16, 2021, La Tortuga Foundation resumed the activities of Ambientarrrt, carrying out in this case an event to bring an environmental message through artistic expression. In this case, the focus was on the need for conservation of the seas and oceans, especially being inhabitants of the coastal zone.

World Beach Day 2021 Celebrated

More than 150 volunteers from Coca-Cola FEMSA, NGOs and tour operators collected 2 tons of waste, within the framework of Red por el Planeta; sustainability program promoted by the bottler of Mexican origin, which transforms waste into resources. The work was felt on several beaches in the country.